Monday, June 17, 2013

First Impressions

In a few weeks, the staging event (where the group of Peace Corps Liberia Volunteers meets in the US for a quick orientation) will seem like the least interesting part of what I have done for Peace Corps so far.  However, I thought I'd make a quick post about it now.  

I landed in Philadelphia just before the staging event, and at baggage claim, found a bunch of other people loaded with the sort of baggage that could get them through two years in Africa- (I have 2 large suitcases, and big backpack, and a small backpack, which is similar to what others have).  We all figured out we were Peace Corps, though I was a little bit confused that there were so many who had been on my flight- I didn't think there were other Peace Corps Liberia Volunteers from Denver.  My confusion was cleared up when we approached the hotel shuttle desk and realized we gave the driver two different addresses, and I realized my "new friends" were actually going to Sierra Leone (I'm guessing Peace Corps put 2 neighboring countries having staging the same day and same city because we will be on the same flight to Africa tomorrow).

After we got to our respective hotels and I joined the LIBERIA group!  I was the last to arrive at staging- anyone who was coming from further west than Colorado had flown in the night before, anyone who came in from further east was able to get there sooner- it seemed that I had the latest allowable flight.  I sat down just before the talking about safety, expectations, anxieties, and aspirations began, but as I sat down I heard two guys behind me talking.  "Well, I can follow East Coast swing a little, but not Lindy," one said.  I turned around, delighted and said "Wait, you swing dance?", and I instantly had two new best friends.  Watch out, Liberia's high schools, there probably will be swing lessons in the near future :).

Anyway, the group in general seems pretty nice.  There are 39 of us, almost all are in their early 20s.  (I'm pretty sure when the staging coordinator asked the room how many of us graduated within the past year, about 75% of the group raised their hands), so most are in a similar stage of life- though I'm sure our backgrounds, aspirations, and reasons for being in the Peace Corps are extremely varied.

The excitement of the group is contagious, and I do find myself less nervous than I was a few days ago, and less hesitant to leave than I have been in the past few months.  Tomorrow, we fly!

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